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The Momo Challenge: Suicide Game or Viral Hoax

What is Momo?

A scary face (known as Momo) is making another viral round on the internet, frightening parents and children.  According to reports, the image suddenly appears on apps and websites such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Fortnight and Peppa Pig. It allegedly manipulates the viewer into completing so-called challenges.  The most disturbing challenges involve self-harm and even suicide.

The image of Momo started as an art sculpture in Japan, created by special effects company, Link Factory.  Little is known about anyone behind the alleged challenges.  The popular image was first shared in 2016 and went viral in 2018, when it became associated as a tool to harm children.

Should parents be concerned with the Momo Challenge?

Many news outlets have notified parents and schools about the dangers of Momo.  Despite widespread hysteria and warnings from police, evidence of Momo actually appearing or harming a child seems non-existent.  Headlines about youth suicide following contact from Momo are easy to find, but no credible links have been proven.

Debunking website Snopes classify Mono as a Viral Phenomena, noting that “A good deal of skepticism remains that the existence of the Momo challenge may be far more hype or hoax than reality.”  The Atlantic published an article simply titled “Momo is Not Trying to Kill Children”.  The most common argument from critics is that no screen shots exist, that can be verified, showing Momo in action.

Despite skeptism, Wanda Maximoff is concerned.  Her viral tweet about Momo says, “Warning! Please read, this is real.  There is a thing called ‘Momo’ that’s instructing kids to kill themselves,  “INFORM EVERYONE YOU CAN.”  Maximoff’s plea has now been retweeted over 25,000 times, causing some pandemonium among some parents.

How Should Parents Talk to Their Kids About Momo?

Parents should use Momo as an opportunity to talk to kids about online safety.  Momo may or may not be real.  Regardless there are a number of predators online each day that seek to harm children.  Often, these predators use technology and grooming behaviors (such as compliments, offering gifts, and sharing vulnerable things) to gain trust.  Their goal is to get the child to reciprocate this behavior, often divulging personal information and sometimes inappropriate images.

Take a moment to learn about the dangerous apps and websites used by online predators and aggressive individuals.  In addition, check out my tips on how to talk to your child about cyberbullying and online safety

The Toxic Word “Bullying”

Stop Using the "B-Word'

by Chris Scheufele, Brooks Gibbs, Jeff Veley | Chris in the Classroom Podcast

Bullying prevention specialists sit down to discuss the negative impacts of the word “bullying”.  Learn why this one word can derail progress when it comes to helping targets of social aggression.

Today, the words “bully” and “bullying” are legal words, as there are anti-bullying laws in every state in America.  Labeling a child a “bully” is naming them a perpetrator in a criminal offense.  Many parents are unaware this language requires an investigation, by law.  This can quickly turn into a legal battle between parents, as both attempt to prove that their child was victimized and did not retaliate.

The word “bullying” describes subjective harm (like name-calling) and objective harm (like assault or destruction of property).  Some say that even the Holocaust was an incident of bullying.

When it comes to using clearer language, Jeff suggests using the words “social aggression” or “dominance behavior” in replacing “bullying”.

Bullying Expert Speaks to Students/Parents at General McLane School District

Youth motivational speaker, Jeff Veley, spoke with hundreds of students in General McLane, from elementary to high school.

An award-winning bullying expert makes his way to the General McLane School District.

Tuesday, Jeff Veley, a youth motivational speaker, used a fun and engaging way to reach students on ways to empower them, and prevent bullying in schools.

He spoke with hundreds of students in General McLane, from elementary to high school, “What we’re sharing is a lot about emotional resilience, teaching kids how, when they’re facing something like bullying, understanding that somebody’s just trying to have power over them, so understanding that they have a choice whether or not to get upset, and then helping them learn some skills so they know what to say when someone’s mean,” said Veley.

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bullying prevention speaker shares with students

I Hope That My Brother Bullies Me

A Student’s Positive Perspective on Bullying

“I hope that my brother is mean to me”.  A seventh grade boy (whom I’ll call Dylan) shared this with me following a recent school assembly.  As a youth motivational speaker, my goal was to give students a different outlook on bullying.  Still, his words surprised me.  Why would this kid want his brother to mistreat him? 


The Power of Emotional Resilience

In my talk, Dylan learned about emotional resilience.  For the first time in his life, he realized that his brothers mean words were simply the tool being used to psychologically dominate him.  Up unto this point, Dylan had fallen for this trap.  Like most students, he got upset and fought back with more venomous words.  The more upset he got, the meaner his brother was and the more fun he had.  It became a cycle.  During the assembly, he learned that he didn’t have to get upset.  It was his choice whether or not he would give power to the words of others.

“I’m going to try not getting upset the next time he’s mean.” said Dylan. “I bet he won’t have much fun then.”  I smiled and nodded.  Dylan and I reviewed the lesson.  By getting upset when others are mean, we are giving them what they want – power over us.  When we choose instead to stay calm (and not get upset), it becomes nearly impossible for the aggressor to win.  As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”


Developing a Resilient Mindset

As Dylan walked away he exclaimed “I hope my brother is mean”.  “Why would you say that?” I asked.  His response was surprising, yet brilliant.  He wanted his brother to be mean so that he could practice being strong.

My goal is that more students will experience the revelation that Dylan had.  When we view adversity as an opportunity to build our resilience, we’re setting ourselves up for success.  I wish more people had the mindset of this seventh grade boy, when it comes to bullying.  Empowering students and preventing bullying isn’t difficult.  Often it’s as simple as talking through different outcomes to conflicts and allowing kids to practice different ways to resolve it.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways that I can help you…

1. Check out my free training video on how to stop bullying.
2. Learn the framework that I use to help schools achieve peace on-campus.